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The TFW Briarcliff Blog
Get all the best tips and information to start learning how to Build Muscle, Lose Fat and Feel Good!
Importance of Change and Why Orangetheory Stops Working
We’ve all heard that old proverb that says: "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." Well, that pertains to fitness, too. Your body gets...
Why TFW and NOT Planet Fitness or Another Box Gym?
I often get asked: "What is the difference between TFW and Planet Fitness or other box gyms like it?" There are 3 main reasons why TFW stands out ... personalization, periodization, and community....
Meet Holly, a TFW Member with Stunning Results!
In mid-June, I joined TFW Briarcliff and committed to a 4-day regular schedule of classes with Susan’s training team, healthy eating and calorie monitoring with John. It has been 5 months and I am...
Is CrossFit Worth the Hype (or Injury)?
There has been much made of CrossFit's corporate culture over the past two years, and this article is not here to comment on that. However, it is likely fair to say that whatever goes on at the very...
Keep it Simple Stupid
My mother’s favorite saying. I can still hear her saying it…Keep it simple stupid. Stop complicating things. This applies to most things in life, and fitness is no different. When it comes to...
New Year’s Resolution in November
Why wait until the New Year to start your fitness journey? Why not take advantage of the November and December gym lull? Aren’t you worth it? Come January the gyms are packed. Everyone has the same...
Why it might not be your diet holding you back!!
Stop focusing only on your diet. Yes, Calories matter Yes, food quality matters But, is it the only thing you should focus on?? The is NO. If you are only focusing on what you're eating and not...