Hurricane Fat Burning Workout/ Group Training

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ONLY $19

Hurricane Fat Burning Workout in Briarcliff Manor

Text: 845-661-3106

Call: 914-292-5063

All motivation and zero intimidation.

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For only $19!

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Hurricane Fat Burning Workout at TFW Briarcliff

Hurricane Fat Burning Workout / Group Training

in Briarcliff Manor

While you’re probably familiar with cardio-style workouts, the Hurricane class is our signature fat burning workout. This style of class draws from cardio class structures but adds both bodyweight and lightweight movements. The key is our signature programming that uses quick cardio bursts through sprints, assault bikes, rowers, or other quick cardio exercises followed by a combination of bodyweight and lightweight exercises. The class will work your muscles while spiking your heart rate providing an all-around, excellent workout that leaves you both exhausted but exhilarated. The best part? This combination of heart-spiking activities with mild strength movements actually increases your body’s metabolic rate — which burns fat AND continues to keep the body burning calories long after you leave the gym!

The TFW Hurricane Fat Burning Workout / Group Training Includes:

HIIT Training Icon

Bursts of Cardio Combined With Strength Training

Constant Varied Programming

Constant Varied Programming

Fat burning workout and adds muscle

Adds Lean Muscle, Burns Fat, Improve Bone Density

small fat burning workout classes

Small Classes to Ensure Proper Lifting Technique

18 Years of Proven Programs

Helping Everyday People Realize Their Fitness Goals

Fitness Coaches That Are Highly Certified

All Motivation with Zero Intimidation

Adult strength training
Strength training for athletes
Warrior challenges at TFW Briarcliff
Fat burning workout with cardio and strength training
Hurricane fat burning workout
Bootcamp at TFW Briarcliff

Conveniently located in Westchester County

1872 Pleasantville Rd, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10541

TFW Briarcliff

1872 Pleasantville Rd, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10541